This article by Vit Sisler analyzes the the symbols used in video games containing references to the middle east and their meanings. In addition to evaluating the games, the context in which the games were created was also investigated.
The exploration of games created by American and European companies revealed the use very narrow stereotypes. Usually the games fall into one of two categories: games that classify arabs as fantastical and exotic or as terrorists. Some possible exceptions to this are certain "serious games" and potentially Civilization III. Some people however argue that Civilization III does not portray Arabs correctly despite it's attempt at cultural sensitivity. Some Arab companies have come together to create video games to battle stereotypes. Of the two examples in the article, one used the same paradigm as American and European games but switched the roles so that non-Arabs are demonized. However, the Arab games heavily penalized killing civilians which is atypical of European or American games.
Vit Sisler is a Ph.D. candidate at Charles University of Prague. His research involves new media and its interactions with Islam.
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